2FA: The Best Defense Against Cyberattacks
By Jordan Simpson
Why is Two-factor Authentication (2FA) Important? 2FA is saving everyone’s life. People think antivirus is getting better, but attackers aren’t really writing viruses anymore. Attackers want access to your information, your PC, your files, and your data, and they can just phish you for that access. Social engineering is way easier than deploying a virus. 2FA is one of the absolute best defenses against this. Phishing is the new big wave of cyberattack, and can result in huge loses for your company. Many companies don’t see security as an investment. This is something that is a growing concern and security is extremely important. 2FA is simple to implement and it secures so much. It can prevent an absolute disaster from happening. Some people may be annoyed by the extra steps to log in or access an application, but the tradeoff provides crazy levels of security. It protects so much of your infrastructure. 2FA is not fool proof, but it can prevent plenty of cyberattacks. If a phisher makes an attempt and realizes there is 2FA, they will generally just move on. How Do You Implement 2FA? While not an exhaustive list by any means, pcmag.com has published the 2FA how-tos for a number of sites, including: Amazon, Apple, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Intuit TurboTax and Mint.com, LinkedIn, Microsoft, PayPal, Slack, Twitter and Yahoo. Do you have questions or need help in setting up 2FA in your organization? That’s what we’re here for.