As a transplant from the Southern Tier, Bailey came to IT Insights of Rochester with 15 years of experience in administrative assistance, focused on ensuring smooth office operations. Her core values are Happiness, Balance, Family, and Abundance, and these carry over to every aspect of her life. Bailey specializes in conscious positivity and time management. She will sometimes base a decision or gain clarity from her trusty Magic 8 Ball or her deck of Lenormand cards.
Bailey holds an Associate’s Degree in Cultural Studies from Empire State College with a concentration in Communications. She is excellent at instantly connecting with others to support the vision and mission of any team while keeping things light and fun.
We sat down with Bailey and asked her a few questions we thought our clients and partners would like to know:
Q: How did you get to where you are today in your career?
A: From my first job at a teeny-tiny, three-screen movie theater feeding film into projectors, selling tickets, and handing out unlimited refills of popcorn and soda, to being in the weeds with four thirsty customers deep behind a bar, to a sleepy college in the hills of Allegany County — I have made it to where I am today with the determination and grit needed to achieve my goals.
Each opportunity has been a stepping stone to the next, helping me gain invaluable knowledge, skills, and the mindset needed for a balanced and happy life — all while being the best mom I can be to my daughter.
Q: What do you prefer to work on?
A: I prefer to work on projects that allow me to see the fruits of my labor — where I can say, “Yeah, I did that!!” I dream of a project where I clear everything off a table and spread out a giant map, using objects from around the house as pieces in a master plan.
Q: What’s the most unusual or interesting problem you’ve ever had to solve?
A: Figuring out how to navigate life, motherhood, and work without touching my left foot to the floor for a year after catastrophically breaking my leg. Thank the Universe, I have since recovered — but I quickly learned that the world is not as adapted to those with mobility difficulties as it should be!
I also learned what my real priorities are and that it’s okay to ask for help.
Q: What’s the most unexpected thing you’ve learned while working in marketing?
A: That advertisements really do work. If you say something is the “World’s Best,” people will believe it.
Q: What is your favorite advertisement or ad campaign?
A: The Hinge dating Satan ads. Watch the YouTube videos here and here.
Q: What do you think is unique about working for an IT company?
A: The most unique aspect is that technology is constantly evolving at the speed of light, and a company like IT Insights is always learning, adapting, and growing based on that evolution. It’s never stale, and you’ll never be bored. It takes both an analytical and creative mind to thrive in this environment.
Q: What is it like being a non-technical person in a very technical company?
A: I love learning, and I’ve always been fascinated by technology and how things work — from the tiniest piece to the big picture. This curiosity aligns with my love for understanding how people work.
I have some technical aspects to my personality and skill set, but I bring the balance of non-technical skills — and a successful company needs both.
Q: If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
A: Girl, you will crush it. You are capable. Your hair and skin look great — stop fussing and just be yourself. Everything will work out. Never give up. Take more photos. Eat the cake. Take the risks — they will pay off tenfold. You will be a great mother, and your daughter will be way, way cooler than you are.